ICAEA--International Computer Auditing Education Association
Earn up to 8 CPE credits
The hybrid conference will be held on April 27, 2023 (Thursday) afternoon and April 28, 2023 (Friday) on zoom or at DePaul University's loop campus.
Registration Fee
Special Discount for CPA, CFE, CEAP, ICCP and students. DePaul University faculties and students are free.
Conference fee covers:
Full Conference participation
Conference material
Coffee break and lunch for in person participants
Please Notice:
Accommodation and travel expenses are not included.
You will receive a registration confirmation after your payment is received.
Participants will receive a "Certificate of Attendance" in pdf format by request only. Please email your request to icaea@icaea.net after the Conference but before May 31, 2023
We accept Paypal or credit card (Visa or Master Card) through our payment system.
Cancellation Policy
Registration can be cancelled by emailing to icaea@icaea.net. You will receive a confirmation of acceptance of cancellation.
Cancellations made on or before 31 March 2023 will be refunded subject to a 50 % cancellation fee.
All cancellations after 31 March 2023 will be non-refundable.